What is git?
Git is a version control system that helps to track the changes we make in files so that we can have a record of what has been done & we can revert back to any specific version whenever we want.
Initialize git
To initialize git use the following command
git init
This will create a .git folder which will be responsible for managing and keeping track of all the changes in your files.
Now after initializing the git we have to add the files to the staging area so that git can know what files needs to be committed to the repository.
Before that, we can use git status
to check what is in the staging area, which files have been staged, which haven't, and which files aren't being tracked by git.
To add files to the staging area use
git add filename
// OR
git add .
Here, dot simply means add all files and folders that are present in the current directory.
After adding files to the staging area we have to commit the changes.
For that use,
git commit -m "Your Message"
After committing the changes we usually push all our changes to a remote repository like GitHub, GitLab, Bit bucket.
For pushing changes to Github.
create a new repository on Github and copy its URL
Note For pushing to the remote repository we have to configure the git so that it can push the changes to remote repository
git config --global user.name β[Your name]β
git config --global user.email β[your email]β
Note Above commands require only when you haven't already configured the git
Now for pushing the changes to remote repo use below command.
git remote add origin your remote repository url
git push -u origin master
This will push all your local tracked files & folders to the Github repository
Some more useful git commands
This command is useful we want to know what is changed but not yet staged.
git diff
Similarly, there is
/* This is useful when we want to know what is staged but not yet committed. */
git diff --staged
To list all available branches
// this will list all the branches that we have created
// * will appear next to the currently active branch
git branch
For creating a new branch
// this will create a new branch at the current commit
git branch branch-name
For switching to another branch
// this will switch to the specified branch
git checkout branch-name
For merging branch
/* this will merge the specified branch history to current one */
git merge branch
Thank you for reading :)